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A Matter of Systems

From the early years of university education, students are subjected to subconscious suggestions about the justifications of existing systems and how they will navigate the system to advance in their careers. From this perspective, regardless of how idealistic a student's philosophy may be, efforts to position themselves within the system and carve out a place for themselves continue after graduation, within it.

However, isn't the fundamental purpose of knowledge, wisdom, and education to continually progress towards what is truer, more beautiful, and more beneficial? So, why do we encounter a phenomenon like the one in the initial part?

This question occupies my mind considerably, and there is no clear answer. In my opinion, the reason lies in the instinct of how an individual will benefit from the environment to ensure personal comfort. That is, why do children who constantly ask questions and are curious until university age suddenly lower their frequencies and adopt a mindset to understand and integrate into the existing system in adulthood? This is where the importance of nurturing individuals at this critical threshold comes into play. Instead of saying to someone, "Become a doctor, earn good money in hospitals," why is it so challenging for the majority to say, "Become a doctor, make new discoveries, contribute to humanity"?

At this point, I inevitably return to the root cause I mentioned in my previous writings. I believe that the ideological evolution crisis is causing a slowdown in human progress and an increase in individualism, leading to a focus on personal comfort. COVID-19 slaps us in the face with this reality, but we still seem reluctant to learn the necessary lesson. So, how will we create new systems, and how will they enter our lives? Do we have the luxury to leave this phenomenon to a handful of geniuses? Regardless of the system we are currently implementing, how can we improve the human element that will operate these systems, whether good or bad?

I hope to see a world engaged in collective intelligence for the issues mentioned above, rather than simple, sterile, and narrow-minded short-term debates.

Dr. Bilinç Dolmacı



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