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As we strive to be strong, we are breaking!

In today's human pursuit for future concerns, livelihood, comfort, and collective happiness, we find ourselves engrossed in a hectic pace, focusing on individual well-being. In the face of the evolving world and changing living conditions, this process seems natural.

However, individually immersed in this pace, we often overlook societal balance and sensitivity. In this era where capital-based economic freedom and individualism take precedence, humanity can forget certain qualities required to be human. For instance, we have stopped caring about concerns such as looking back at a fellow citizen in distress while rushing to meet a deadline or extending a helping hand for a brief moment. It seems easy to act as if a problem only becomes significant when it affects us directly. Yet, isn't one of the elements that makes a society advanced the level of interest and sensitivity we show to other citizens, allowing us to lead a more modern and civilized life?

Individualism can take societies only so far, but after a certain point, societal balance and sensitivities start to determine the environmental conditions we live in, beyond our individual control. Environment, health, social relationships, security, and respect all progress based on this principle.

Therefore, while struggling for our survival and goals, we should not forget that we are intertwined with other people, and we should be able to fulfill the requirements of ethics and human characteristics to become responsible citizens. Otherwise, in our attempt to be strong, we may not realize that we are internally breaking, and everyone may end up scattered like leaves in different directions.

Dr. Bilinç Dolmacı

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