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Reading history evokes interesting feelings and thoughts in people. To understand the reasons behind today’s circumstances, interpret the reflections of past experiences, and grasp the chronological flow of events, we must be familiar with history.

History should essentially be approached as a scientific discipline, meaning it should be presented as objectively as possible and include analyses of cause-and-effect relationships. This way, understanding past events and phenomena becomes easier for future generations. For this, it is crucial that experts provide us with historical documentation free from the influence of their psychological, political, or other preferences.

The most critical mistake in studying history would be evaluating the past through the lens of present conditions. Each event should be interpreted within the context of its own historical circumstances. Otherwise, one might end up making absurd comments like, “Cavemen were so ignorant; they lived in caves.” Another issue is the blanket acceptance of the notion that “this is how it has always been in history.” I don’t entirely agree with this view because it’s static, but I also don’t reject truths that have gained general acceptance through experience. Learning lessons from history can contribute to future decisions and help cultivate a broader perspective.

Is history nothing more than repetition? The slow pace of human evolution and development, relative to the scale of world history and our perception of time, gives us the impression that certain events repeat themselves. Humans can exhibit similar attitudes and reflexes at different times, which is a natural phenomenon. However, time and progress cannot be reversed, so it is up to humans to avoid getting stuck in cycles of repetition! The key is to use our existing capacity to strive for something better.

Read history and try to understand it. Broaden your perspective with diverse sources. Draw lessons, be informed. But most importantly, without being constrained by the past, make forward-looking and innovative decisions using your own intellect.

Life is an experience!

Dr. Bilinç Dolmacı



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