In our present day, indecisions have become apparent in many issues and events. Advanced countries unable to reach consensus in global events, regions unable to develop clear solutions to their internal problems, etc., and the zigzags due to indecision are increasing day by day.
The approach to handling issues is deficient, and leaders who hesitate to determine a direction unfortunately cannot be productive in advancing societies. We touched upon this in our article "The Need for Ethical Leadership." I believe the root cause of these problems and situations is the difficulties decision-makers face in making decisions. It is a kind of indecision itself! Because everyone with decision-making authority should be aware of their responsibility, capable of taking initiative, and at the same time, have a forward-looking and inclusive perspective. For example, consider how the director or board of directors of a medium-sized company overlooking some issues, playing with time, behaving inconsistently, or making back-and-forth decisions can impact the entire organization. Management that does not clearly explain the company's priorities to the relevant personnel creates unnecessary difficulties and unnecessarily complicates becoming an efficient and more productive institution. However, discussing issues and making decisions with competent individuals, conveying reasoned decisions to others, would be a more accurate and appropriate approach. Skill lies in keeping people's minds clear, leading with consistency and a specific vision.
Positions require responsibility as much as authority. However, decision-making positions require authority, responsibility, initiative, and leadership. People with doubts about such positions should pay attention to all these factors when evaluating position offers. This way, they won't put themselves in unwanted situations, and they won't create obstacles in the progress of institutions.
As they say, even the worst decision is better than indecision! Be yourself; don't leave any issue undecided in your life and personal life. Make a decision according to your preference, logic, analysis, and intuition, and continue on your way.
Dr. Bilinç Dolmacı