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Not Qualified Employees, but the Need for Qualified Leaders!

In most economies, sectors, ratios, needs, and problems include elements of the need for qualified employees, and similar countries make similar suggestions on this issue. This is a very accurate observation and approach. Of course, all societies need qualified employees in every field for productivity, capacity, and innovation, and they make efforts to develop qualifications.

However, the overlooked point is that even if we have qualified employees, this capacity will be underutilized without qualified leaders. In a workplace, employees can be highly qualified and successful, but those who make their cumulative output beneficial to the institution are the bosses of the job. The biggest demotivating factor for a qualified employee is not having a boss with a profile that contributes to their development, even more qualified than themselves, before salary, bonus, and working conditions. Many qualified employees can become demotivated for this reason and resign from their positions, even if they love their jobs. This situation not only affects the institution but also the overall economy with factors such as workforce loss, idle capacity, and underutilization of productivity.

So, what should we do to be qualified leaders along with qualified employees?

First of all, whether a CEO, director, or the owner of the business, being in the position of a boss requires leadership qualities. This feature can be developed to a certain extent later, but it is essential for qualification. Being a fair and competent boss is very important. In this respect, there is no requirement such as knowing the technical details of the job or being the engineer of how the production is done. However, having knowledge about the processes of the job, foreseeing risks, knowing what critical control points are, and having knowledge of sales and finance are important for creating the mentioned qualification. In addition, knowledge and skills about human resources and management are crucial. External relations and market awareness are also qualities that a boss should have. A boss who possesses these elements can be a moderately successful manager, fulfilling basic guidance and decision-making processes.

More importantly, a qualified boss must have a vision and be able to align it with the institution they manage. Having strategic thinking is an important element in leadership. Another crucial point is being able to respect Merit. In other words, it is one of the most important features of a qualified boss to be able to employ qualified managers and employees in their field, but to create value without intervening in their own business except for reporting.

It can be seen that even if we have qualified employees, this capacity can remain unused without qualified bosses, and the national economy can be affected by this. It will be beneficial for our bosses to continuously improve themselves and increase their managerial-leadership qualities, both for their own institutions and for their employees. A little awareness and a little effort for the fish not to smell from the head are positive for everyone.

Dr. Bilinç Dolmacı



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