According to Maslow's hierarchy, humans essentially live according to five needs. These needs are arranged in a pyramid, starting with physiological needs, followed by safety, love, esteem, and finally, self-actualization. The hierarchy naturally progresses upwards.
However, in today's world, as we advance towards the upper levels of the pyramid, deficiencies are emerging in the fundamental needs at the bottom, causing the very foundation of human structure to shake. When an event as an impact of an earthquake occurs on top of this, it leads to fractures.
Despite aging, Maslow's theory remains valid. Issues like sleep problems, lack of clean air, food crises, and housing problems are already present at the first level. At the second level, security issues such as wars, conflicts, and incidents are on the rise. At the third level, there is an increase in examples of love, relationships, and bonds being pursued not for their genuine value but purely for personal gain. For instance, the number of divorces has surpassed the number of marriages, and lifelong, loyal friendships are becoming rare.
While the fundamental three levels are shaking so much, we pretend as if everything is fine and chase after respect, seeking validation from others by appearing successful. As we lose our self-esteem, we also lose respect and courtesy towards others. We are trapped in a virtual sense of value. The quest for self-discovery at the fifth level, which requires qualities like being open-minded, virtuous, sincere, and creative, is being reduced to a superficial trend played out in virtual environments, losing its true meaning. We are becoming accustomed to an artificial perception of reality.
All of this indicates that, in reality, there is a downward movement in the hierarchy, not upward. Technology is advancing, communication is expanding, distances are shrinking, and things are speeding up, but people are forgetting themselves. Morality and ethics can be overlooked, and friendships can be forgotten. The need for health at the second level suddenly confronts us. It may become evident that a highly successful person in their career lacks a solid foundation in their basic needs. Whether we accept it or not, Maslow's rule inevitably catches up with us.
Therefore, strive to build strong foundations in your life. Do not overlook the essential needs; neglect leads to mistakes. To reduce errors in your life, do not forget yourself, your needs, and their hierarchy. Being aware of the essence of being human benefits not just the individual but entire societies as well!
Dr. Bilinç Dolmacı