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Persuaders and Those Who Can't Persuade

Persuasion is one of the techniques we use in every aspect of our lives. Life continues with a struggle between those who can persuade and those who cannot. Those who can persuade stand out and take a more prominent position, while those who cannot express their concerns, even in matters where they are right.

In my opinion, there is a connection between being persuaded and the individual's subconscious desires. Although we try to make decisions within the framework of logic, whether we are persuaded or not ultimately shapes itself according to our own desires. Large companies, aware of this, use neuroscience techniques that appeal to subconscious desires in marketing. You may find yourself persuaded without realizing it.

The science of communication also focuses on perceptions. Today, we see that those who can manage perceptions are more persuasive. The critical point of persuasion is to touch individuals' subconscious desires with the impression that there is logic even under illogical situations. If you succeed in this, your chances of persuasion will increase.

Interestingly, in the competitive world, such a persuasion process can be ruthlessly used for the sake of interests. For example, what happens before a man proposes to a girl is more meaningful as long as it is true, but the 100% truthfulness or accuracy of these events can be a 50% factor in the persuasion stage. This confirms the observation above.

Therefore, we should always remember the characteristics of being human and know that perception, hidden desires, and emotions, in addition to reason and logic, will also be effective in persuasion. However, knowing that persuading others without persuading ourselves is not a success, we should always embrace being on the side of truth, correctness, and ethical principles. In fact, by preserving the essence of humanity, one becomes more persuasive...

Dr. Bilinç Dolmacı



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