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A sieve is a tool that enables the process of sifting. Its primary use could be to separate flour-based products and similar foods from foreign particles, or to sift out unnecessary components. This ensures that the final product is cleaner and of higher quality. This example illustrates a method that should be present in every aspect of life.

Selecting people for a task through exams and merit ensures that the task is carried out effectively and efficiently. In this regard, going through a fair sieve becomes decisive. Achieving this provides performance and competence. Objective assessment based on talent and knowledge level allows for selection. Corporate efficiency and quality improve with merit-based selections, making it easier to reach goals. Trust and reputation are established within society, increasing belief in institutions and respect for leadership.

For these reasons, selecting people for tasks through exams and merit sieves ensures both a fair process and enhances the effectiveness of institutions. Additionally, it positively boosts the motivation of existing personnel.

Utilizing the sieve mechanism fully in areas such as university entrance exams, civil service appointments, high-level assignments, team leadership, research and development directorship, and many more, ultimately benefits society in the long run. Ignoring this leads to degeneration and lowers motivation.

Do not hesitate to use the sieve; confirm its suitability based on the desired outcome and quality, but refrain from interfering while it operates. Let it do its job! Let it do it so that ultimately, more efficient, higher quality, faster, and smoother results are achieved, bringing smiles to everyone's faces...

Dr. Bilinç Dolmacı



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