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The Impacts and Takeaways of Corona

A virus that isn't even considered a cell has brought the entire world to its knees. Not with force, guns, or bullets but by infiltrating within us unnoticed. The violence is intriguing; it is both highly risky and threatening, yet seemingly permits the continuation of life for the next generations.

Humanity, in its development of civilization, ideological evolution, pursuit of social justice, establishment of its own economic system, embracing global citizenship, transcending nationalistic thoughts, striving for balanced income distribution, and living ethical leadership, disregarded all the crises and natural warnings, continuing its selfishness. In my opinion, this crisis emerged as a lesson for us. It played primitive and simple reflexes. While children drown in the seas and we ignore starving children killed by gunfire, another segment of society, driven by the greed for profit, has been struck from within by Corona. So much so that no wealth, advanced medicine, or social status stands privileged against it. There will be economic consequences to this crisis; the system will contract and be threatened. Financial instruments will not be sufficient for the markets, and every country will resort to printing money to cover losses. Trillions of euros are being planned. However, this process cannot be prolonged too much because if the economy stops functioning, the world will experience a Depression similar to that of 1929. This even reminds us that worldly wealth and ambition are merely tools for evolution.

On the contrary, it has given us the chance to understand what health is and its importance, that we are ecological beings, to care for others' health, to think not only individually but socially, to realize that we are humans, to comprehend the idea of a single world, to understand patience and to cleanse ourselves from our selfishness. All of these go through increasing our awareness after Corona. In the article "Before the Nail Comes Off," which I wrote at the beginning of March:

"The future of the world depends on humanity increasing its awareness rather than engaging in sterile and narrow-minded debates. Unfortunately, we cannot see any leaders or initiatives that will develop this awareness. It's like trying to move forward blindly. The key to every phenomenon, feeling, thought, and issue, both within and outside of us, lies in awareness. In other words, when everyone is a global citizen and responsible, perhaps our evolution in civilization will go a little further; otherwise, my fear is that the world's nail will come off..."

I stated, and it seems it did not take long for this fear to come true. From now on, we must learn the necessary lessons and be responsible, ethical, fair, leave selfishness aside, and strive for all of humanity. Perhaps, as Einstein said, we should be able to create a democratic global government, or we must succeed in achieving a new generation of leadership that will balance global equilibrium in global matters. Otherwise, the next lesson will be much heavier and a painful crisis!

Dr. Bilinç Dolmacı



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