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Theoretical Rhetoric

Theory can be explained in science as an explanation of a phenomenon based on continuously verified observations and experiments. Of course, science always leaves the door open to different views and developments. Theories with substantial validity are utilized universally across all fields and serve as fundamental arguments for persuasion and motivation.

At this stage, rhetoric takes center stage. Rhetoric, which is often built upon theoretical approaches, is known as the art of effective and persuasive language and writing. It is studied in fields such as communication, literature, and political science.

However, the manipulation of theory in rhetoric is a significant issue. Misusing theories for manipulation involves using them out of context to establish credibility, attempting to gain acceptance for claims without proper evaluation, manipulating emotions, leading to polarization, and selectively using evidence to serve one's own agenda—a prevalent problem in today's discourse.

Politicians persistently emphasizing their claims, knowingly using certain parts of theories repeatedly, and insisting that life adheres to the lines they present, restricts the efforts made.

Regardless of whether it is politics, science, sports, economics, or any other field, individuals making claims with strong rhetoric must behave responsibly, ethically, and honestly. They should articulate that their claim is a preference constructively. This approach not only builds trust but also demonstrates that supportive theories are used appropriately as supporting arguments aligned with their purpose and are open to different criticisms. Such an approach inevitably contributes more to the overall goal of finding the truth.

Your rhetoric may be strong, and your theoretical knowledge vast. While utilizing these positive aspects, act with a broad mindset, aware that claims are open to development without bias. Let's behave in a manner that aligns with both the science of theory and the true purpose of rhetoric. Ultimately, let the entire society be the winner!

Dr. Bilinç Dolmacı



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