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Tired Company

In companies, a period of fatigue, similar to metal fatigue, can occur over time. Especially enduring companies that offer essential products may encounter this syndrome over the years. New companies or entrepreneurs are relatively more advantageous.

Positive factors such as the permanence of business processes, financial balance, employee turnover rate, optimum profitability, brand awareness, purchasing power, and customer potential are favorable for sustainability, but they can also lead to complacency. While the relatively positive overall picture continues, this complacency can unknowingly lead to fatigue.

For example, human resources may experience dissatisfaction with employees due to some reasons that are not well understood, despite using performance and motivation-enhancing techniques such as salary, bonus, benefits, etc. The turnover rate may not decrease, and an unseen problem, similar to hidden diabetes, can occur in companies...

In such cases, what is missing is excitement!

The sense of success arises after achieving something new. Human psychology enables much more productivity and output than usual when in a state of accomplishment. Such motivation cannot be compensated for by any material means. Just like humans, companies are not static, living organisms. They require dynamism, movement, the instinct to achieve something new, and overcome challenges.

To overcome the feeling of fatigue in companies and create excitement, it is up to the top management's skills. Visionary, competent, fair, guiding, and hardworking top management can instill this sense of excitement to the entire organization through good internal communication and manage this energy positively. Thus, achieving 1+1 becomes 3 while satisfying each unit of management.

The company revitalizes, gains an advantage in competition, becomes innovative, works dynamically, and, most importantly, is embraced by all employees.

Your ratios, cash, profit, market power, product features, etc., are good indicators, but what will carry you forward is your vision and excitement!

Dr. Bilinç Dolmacı

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